Holy Trinity Rothwell Northants Bellringers
Service Ringing & Practice Night Information
Sunday service ringing.
Service ringing is between 10:00 – 10:45. There is no ringing on the 5th Sunday of the month as there is no service in the church.
Practice night.
Our practice night is Wednesday evening 7:30 – 9:15 pm.
On the first Wednesday of the month we hold a special practice dedicated to more advanced ringing on 8 and 10 bells.
Visiting ringers are always welcome for either service ringing or on practice night. Please would you let us know if you wish to join our band as we have a secure door entry on practice night and arrangements will need to be made to gain access.
New ringers are always welcome and badly needed. If you wish to come along to see what is involved or just to have a look at the bells, please contact either the tower captain or secretary to arrange a visit.